Sunday, March 29, 2020

UCalgary Organic Chemistry

UCalgary Organic ChemistryThe UCalgary Organic Chemistry class was great, not only did the instructor (Mr. Johnson) know what he was talking about, but he was fun to be around and I really enjoyed listening to him and his teaching style. Although the course itself was on a subject that is pretty serious, it was not excessively difficult for me to get through and study. I personally would not want to take such a course in high school or college, but they do offer a bachelor's level diploma course in it.I heard about the UCalgary organic chemistry class from an old colleague of mine who has done some work with radiation and is worried about the effects on her unborn child. When she mentioned the term 'organic chemistry' I just knew that was the class I had to attend. It was a quick four day course and I found that it gave me everything I needed to understand what was going on and learn a few new things too.There were two lectures that were given during the UCalgary Organic Chemistry cl ass. One was held in the morning and the other was in the afternoon. The morning lecture was a lecture on the basics of organic chemistry and it is one of the most important lectures I have ever attended.During the afternoon lecture Mr. Johnson introduced the basic substances that are the basis of organic chemistry, of which there are many. These were called the base elements and included sulphur, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, chlorine, oxygen, and nitrogen gas.In addition to the different elements that are present in nature there are also the non-living, living, and chemical compounds. These compounds are called organic compounds. They include compounds such as protein, sugar, fat, amino acids, carbohydrates, starch, vitamins, hormones, glucosamine, and water.During the lectures that were given at the University of Calgary I was able to learn a lot more about what is really involved in organic chemistry. It is fascinating to learn about the various ways that compounds can intera ct to create new compounds, and how these compounds affect each other. I learned how substances can react to create different effects, and the concepts behind chemical reactions.At the end of the day when we were all done with our exams we received a lot of feedback, and even though the instructor was giving them to us individually they still felt more like a group effort. He also gave us the option to take more tests so that we could learn how to get better at the class and to become a better chemistry teacher. I thought this was a very good choice because I could test my students, give them feedback, and use those tests to help me develop my methods for teaching chemistry.I highly recommend going to the University of Calgary and taking the UCalgary Organic Chemistry class if you are interested in doing more chemistry and getting better at it. You will also meet some interesting people who are passionate about their subject and learn a lot more about nature and about what goes on i n the world around us.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Make reading the focus of world book day - Tutor Hunt Blog

Make reading the focus of world book day Make reading the focus of world book day - not dressing up Make reading the focus of world book day - not dressing upSchoolsI had become aware that the 1st of March was some kind of `dress down` day for schools, for every year I would see schoolchildren attired in fancy dress on this date. As time drew on my perceptibility seemed somehow to improve, despite my worsening eyesight, and I observed that the children were dressed as characters from literature: I noticed the Cat in the Hat, The Gruffalo, Oliver twist - and of course Harry Potter with his coterie of chums I eventually discovered that this annual costume jamboree was `World Book Day,` also known as International Day of the Book, and World Book and Copyright Day. The event was founded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1995. Its chosen date, March 1st, has special significance in the literary world, being the death date of both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. Despite the literary revelry, and the fun that `fancy dress` always brings, many people have raised concerns that the meaning and significance of the day are being obscured by trivialities. Neil Roskilly, the CEO of the Independent Schools Association (ISA), made a judgemental tweet last month, expressing his concerns over what World Book Day was becoming: `World book day is wonderful, but what a shame that commercial interests see it as an opportunity to sell costumes and some schools pander to this. More unnecessary pressure on some struggling families.` Many parents have complained that it can be extremely stressful and expensive to acquire the latest outfit for their child. There is also the worry that all with the dressing up, and scoring each other`s costumes (a practice that takes place at many schools) the true meaning of World Book Day is being obscured. In reaction to this, many schools are curtailing the fancy dress aspect of the day, and choosing to focus more on its literary side. Combois primary school in Northumberland tweeted out a notice, telling all parents that pupils would have to remain in school uniform: `Reminder we are NOT dressing up on World Book Day this year due to the expense and parental feedback from last year.` The focus of the day should be to highlight the act of reading itself - the power of the book to transport us to other realms, other times; to give us the most convincing idea what it would be like to inhabit the soul and skin of another human being. As a child I was an inveterate reader (now I`m merely a compulsive one!) - preferring what was on the pages of my books to anything shining out of the television. I honestly can`t recall my love of literature being kindled by anything I read at school though. I never liked the idea that someone else would be choosing what I would be reading. I believe a lot of people are, in their adult life, averse to reading any piece of fiction, because they associate the practice (the chore) with their schooldays, and think it some arduous task that they will be later tested on. It must indeed be hard to lose yourself in a book if you believe you will later be quizzed on what you have read, set comprehension tasks on certain chapters, and asked to compose a synopsis of the `deeper message` of the text. If children are not given the opportunities to discover books for themselves they may come to classify them as just another academic chore, rather than an endless realm of adventures revealed, char acters brought to life, and knowledge disclosed. There is a general consensus on the importance of parents reading to their children. A recent study published in the Australian journal `Economics of Education Review` concluded that reading to children on a regular basis, at a regular time slot (perhaps just before bed each night) `has positive and significant effects on reading skills and cognitive skills of these children.` Despite the abundance of evidence that reading to children has lasting positive effects, both behavioural and academic, there are worrying signs that the practice of `bedtime` stories is diminishing. Nielsen Book Research carries out an annual `Understanding the Children`s Book Consumer survey,` and its findings from last year show that only around half (51%) of pre-school children being read to daily. This is a precipitous drop from its 2013 survey, which had 69% of pre-school children enjoying a daily reading session with a parent. Despite my curmudgeon judgements, I truly believe world book day to be a wonderful thing. It gives children the chance to express their enthusiasm for reading, and revel in the vast array of fictional characters. I just feel it would be a shame if the spectacle of the event overshadowed what it stands for. 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Math Homework Study Techniques and Across-Discipline Skills

Math Homework Study Techniques and Across-Discipline Skills When it comes to discussing homework, many parents (and their children), as well as more self-driven high school and college students, would consider mathematics - such as algebra, trigonometry, calculus or simple multiplication and division - to be one of the more difficult subjects, or even the most difficult subject required for completion of general ed’s. Not everyone suffers with their math homework, and those that do struggle seem to find it greatly difficult, and grind their wheels to a halt quickly, while those who succeed apparently possess an innate talent for the matter, and stride forward easily. So how to get around this impasse?Why It Pays to do Your Math HomeworkWell, the good news is that studies have shown there is a correlation, between doing your math homework and achieving a better grade in the class, that is higher than for any other subject. So it pays to do your math homework, to do it well, and to do it repeatedly. In this first, introductory program, I’m going to outline some math homework study skills that you can use regardless of which subject or level you are approaching.The first objective of approaching any math problem, or page of problems, should be to construct an overview of the terms, the functions and operations being shown on the page, and from the chapter in the textbook it is drawn from. It is important to develop your basic math vocabulary, so that you can easily identify the system being displayed and the appropriate steps to be taken. Often, on long standardized tests, it is the math section that confounds, disrupts and impedes a student’s progress; so it is necessary to learn how to identify quickly which type of problem you are dealing with, and to apply the correct method to find the solution.VocabularyIn statistics, you will need to become familiar with mode, median, standard variation, expected value, conditional probability and discrete variables, for example; in algebra, you will need to know complex fract ions, binomials, dependent variables and exponential growth. Facility with the important vocabulary of the topic will enable you not only to swiftly move through the problems as they are presented, but will also allow you to communicate with your teacher, your tutor or your parent about the material being presented. Not all of these terms will be relevant for each math homework assignment, but it is important to get a lay of the land and an understanding of what you are being presented with before diving into the intricacies of the problems.Answer ReviewChecking your homework answers is also a two-way process, in which you can either scan the answers beforehand, to get an idea of what kind of solutions you will be generating, or you can review each answer individually to make sure you do not proceed without a correct method. Or, you can self-test by checking all the answers only after you have completed the total assignment. That way, you will prepare for an eventual quiz and you wi ll get an idea of which math homework problems you tend to struggle with, and which problems you find to be a breeze.ConclusionMath homework is certainly subject-specific, and will vary in complexity depending on grade level and sequence within the course. However, using these strategies for vocabulary retention and answer review, you can self-assess and determine what skills you need to develop, which problems present challenges for you, and what concepts or terms you are unfamiliar with.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

So You Think You Can Sing

So You Think You Can Sing Image by Gabriele Ottich from Pixabay First, you dont have to buy an instrument. The member fee or class cost is the only thing youd pay for, but asides from that, just bring yourself, the music, and a pencil. Typically, the group meets for an hour, sometimes two depending on if theres a concert coming up or not. The music isnt overly difficult, and if youre not sure about what to sing, to mouth the words until you start learning to blend your voice in with everyone else. Theres some brain work to do in the midst of rehearsals, but once you start hearing each piece of music come together, you can relish in comfort of knowing youre helping produce something amazing. Joining a choir is a long term commitment, but when you hear the results, youll be glad you joined. Anyone can sing. Simple as that. It can take a few years of practice, and you have to keep at it until you hear it. But, when that moment hits and you hear yourself matching pitch with your favorite artist, youll be glowing for days. So while you may think that the person next to you in a choir sings better, remember that you will one day sing so perfectly, folks will crack a smile when they hear you rockin a familiar tune and even join in. The moment could turn into a musical for all I know. Why not, though, join a band if you want to just play music with others? Singing is on a different level of musicianship. If you sing a song with two or more people, you all share in the tonality of a song, matching pitch, harmony, and rhythm. But most importantly, its that natural sound coming from your vocal cords that makes singing so special. You feel it as much as you hear it. Two guitarists doing the same only hear it by extension of their instrument and self-sense of tonality. This, in turn, makes singing a much personal experience, one which you can and should share with others. As a bonus, after you pick up singing, learning another instrument will be ten times easier since youll a working knowledge of pitch. Theres little reason for you to not join in a choir. Im sure you would love to belt out dont stop . . . BELIEVING when that banger shows up in your Spotify playlist. And why not? Its a collective moment when everyone stops what theyre doing to sing it. Dont let your doubts stop you from enjoying the little things in life. Sing. And sing louder and louder. As Sophie Develyn puts it in her interview with   Georgina Jones of  Turn Lights On, if you’re singing Queen every day you’re gonna be happier in work, and if you’re happy you do better work, and if you do better work the company makes more money â€" it’s easy! Literally, everyone benefits from your decision to become a singer. But it all needs to start somewhere. So whaddya say? How about you consider joining a choir this year and let your inner self ring loud.

How Does a Video Tutor Session Work?

How Does a Video Tutor Session Work?A video tutor session is a teaching tool that is used in science and education for a student to master a certain subject. The tutor will play a video of the subject being taught or provide other materials to aid the student in learning the subject.The video tutor session will often be done with a screen. The screen will have words on it or graphics to display on the screen as the subject is discussed. The tutor will then guide the student through the entire lesson to help them learn. The tutor will use some lessons and practice activities to help the student understand.In a video tutor session, the subject is usually presented either in a lecture or in an interactive format. In lectures, the subject is shown as if it were a text, without any accompanying graphics or words. This is different from an interactive version, which uses real-time computer programs for the presentation of the subject.The video tutor session provides a space for students to put notes, create charts, compare notes with a teacher or other students, and look at pictures. Students are able to watch the video or read the text material but are not able to interact with the tutor during this time. Students do not need to answer questions that the tutor may ask or give answers as a response to the tutor's questions.Teachers who work with students can use video tutoring sessions to enhance their teaching techniques. The teacher can show a video and speak to the class in the class as if they were in front of a classroom. When students have questions about a lesson, they can look at the screen and see the tutor giving a lecture and can simply look up answers to their questions using the tutor's computer interface.A video tutor session allows students to do more than watch a lecture. They can take notes, compare notes with a teacher, and even look at the website on the video. A tutor who uses a video session provides interactive online lessons, which allows the s tudents to learn while doing something completely different. The computer interface makes the student feel like they are sitting in a class with the teacher.A video tutor session gives the teacher a hands-on opportunity to conduct a more active lesson. The tutor can use the video to demonstrate how a particular lesson should be done. The teacher can give students multiple options, which allows them to use the lessons at home to practice their own lessons while improving their understanding of the subject.

My Mastering Chemistry - How Does It Work?

My Mastering Chemistry - How Does It Work?So what does My Mastering Chemistry really do? You're probably wondering about some of the basics here. What exactly does it do? Is it a long term program for advanced students or is it a one time thing for those who want to get a good grasp on this subject?The idea behind Masters is quite simple and will appeal to any type of chemist. It is a group of learners who have undergone a program that is similar to an advanced chemistry course. This is done with many small group discussions on a particular topic. Usually a question is asked by one of the participants, the response is a quick and basic answer and then the question is followed by another answer from the rest of the group. The process repeats over until all the answers are prepared.This process has been shown to greatly increase the speed at which new knowledge is acquired. This is not always the case in an actual chemistry course, especially if the actual class size is much larger. Th e group format works well for this and makes learning much easier and more efficient.If you've never taken a course like this before you should at least go for the sample course as it is best to see if it suits your needs. The sample has questions that the learner can answer and be sure to follow the normal course instructions. The main thing to remember is that you will need to spend some time to learn the techniques used in this course. Once you know how to do this, you will understand that the entire course is one big step forward.My Mastering Chemistry is a five day course with a lot of time for you to really dig into the material. By the end of the course you should have a better understanding of any subject that you've been studying.Overall you will get the same results from this course as you would from any other such course, just in a shorter period of time. The one thing that makes this program so popular is that you get to learn all you need to know in this short amount of time.At the end of this course you should feel confident in your ability to understand chemistry more thoroughly. You will be able to tackle new subjects and more difficult chemistry problems much more easily. This is a great way to get a jump start on whatever it is you may be working on.

Career Development Is Online Learning Right for You - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Career Development Is Online Learning Right for You - Introvert Whisperer Career Development: Is Online Learning Right for You? Once youve started working, it can be difficult to advance in your career. Between family obligations and working at your current job, you likely wont have the time or the money to head back to a college campus to improve skills. Without furthering your education, youll likely find yourself stuck in the same position without a chance for promotion or advancement. Forbes reports that over 6 million people are taking one or more classes online as part of their continuing education. This is according to a 2011 report from Babson Survey Research Group. For those who dont have the time or budget to take traditional courses, you have continuing education available in an online setting. Even though there are a variety of online classes and educational opportunities, it might not be suitable for everyone who wants to continue learning new skills. When it comes to career development tips, the biggest one is heading back to school to improve your skills. To find out whether online courses are suitable for you, lets look at some advantages and disadvantages to a continuing education online. Pros of Taking Online Classes Lower Costs Overall: The tuition costs of your online education might not be lower than a traditional physical campus, but the overall costs will be lower. Along with those workers who telecommute to their job, youll save time on travel too. Youll save money on your car as well as gas. You could even save on clothing since you could spend time in your pajamas all day if you wanted. No Commute: Along with the savings youll get from an online class setting, you wont have to worry about the time it takes to commute, or driving during dangerous conditions. Many people live in areas that see terrible rain and snow storms, but they are still required to drive to their classes. Online students never have to worry about missing a class due to bad weather. Variety of Courses: You can get a degree online, but you can also take courses to enhance your career. If the campus doesnt offer the class you want to take, you can easily choose another portal for your learning. Many people believe that online classes are only available for courses that involve the computer or an office like accounting or business. While online business classes boost skills, there are other careers that can boost your skills like nursing classes and certificate programs for criminal justice. Improve Your Current Career: When you improve your skills, youre also getting an education that can boost careers. Its a great way to increase your chances for a promotion, or to give yourself enhanced skills to enter a completely new job market. In many careers, people find themselves stagnating in a certain position because they dont have time to return to school. Online classes are a terrific way to advance your career. Credits: While many colleges and universities offer classes with credits online, there are now free massive open online courses or MOOCs that are offering credits that can be transferred to physical universities and colleges. Free online entrepreneurship training is available for people who wish to start their own business and need a boost to their current skills. Class Discussions: Many students find online classes to be a place where they dont see much interaction between themselves and the teacher as well as other students. Some shy or retiring students are much more comfortable interacting when they are taking classes online instead of inside a classroom. These same students might find the ability to take classes online to be less of a distraction than trying to learn in a classroom setting. Convenient and Flexible: After working all day at their regular job, many older students have a hard time returning to the classroom. They dont have enough hours in a day for their full-time job, family obligations and spending hours in a classroom at night. This is especially true when the schedule puts the class directly in the path of family time. Many older students taking online classes can do all their work at night after their kids are in bed. Extra Time in Your Day: All the extra time available that youre not using to commute to classes or spending three hours listening to lectures can be used for furthering your career too. You could join a club or volunteer in the industry in which youre trying to further your education. If you want to be a writer, you could join a writing club while taking classes. A nursing student could volunteer at a local hospital to gain experience. Cons of Taking Online Classes Engaging with Others: When you attend a physical classroom as opposed to an online class, you are able to interact with your teacher and other students. You can bond with them over study groups and receive help after class from the instructor. With online classes, you can certainly interact with the teacher and ask for extra help, its a bit harder to get intense help if needed. Reliable Technology: Taking classes online means downloading lecture notes and taking quizzes and important exams on your computer. Youll have to have a reliable computer as well as a strong Internet connection. If youre unable to take a quiz because your Internet is slow, you could end up failing your class. Students are expected to have technology that is up to the task. There are numerous benefits of online learning. Some of them can be seen listed above, advancing your career online is a viable option for most people. Youll gain extra time not spent in the classroom to enjoy other pursuits whether its more family time, time to volunteer or join a club. Whether youre thinking about taking classes to gain new skills or improve ones you already have, online classes are a terrific option for people who dont want to enroll in traditional college courses. Author Bio With many years of experience in marketing communication and strategic planning, Alicia Hill began her career as a class consultant for the training centre for sales business development and now works for National Real Estate Learning, a company which offers real estate courses online. Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

6 Things to Look For on a College Tour

6 Things to Look For on a College Tour Touring a prospective college is an exciting memory that students hold as the genesis of their university experience. Below is a breakdown of six of the most important things to look for on a college tour. If you walk away from a college tour with confident and positive answers to each of these questions, you may have just toured your dream school.These 4 tips to make a good impression on a campus tourmay be helpful as well. 1. Where will your classes take place? Some colleges tout new, sleek buildings on college tours, but fail to mention whether your classes will actually take place there. Are the classes in your major likely to be mostly large lectures, or smaller, discussion-based classes? Is your major one that got stuck with that weird building located a mile off campus? Most classes are physically grouped with those of similar subjects, so try to figure out where most of your classes will actually take place before gazing in wonder at that elegant, spiral staircase of the business building. 2. What kind of learning resources will be available to you? Making sure your that field of study has a good building is important, but figuring out what kind of materials and services they will provide you with is even more so. If youre a business major, determine what kind of networking and internship opportunities are available to current students. If youre studying media, identify what kind of cameras and recording equipment you have access to. If youre hoping to go into a research-based career, learn about what type of research is taking place on campus and how likely it is that you can get involved. Basically, make sure youll be able to walk away from your college years with some hands-on experience in your field. You may also wish to look into tutoring that is available for students in your major. 3. Where will you study? College is about learning, first and foremost dont let any movie plotline or social stigma convince you otherwise. Most of your time in college will be spent pouring over textbooks, notes, and blank pages waiting to be filled with your wisdom. As such, it would be worthwhile to scope out a few prime study spots on the tour. Keep an eye out for quiet, comfortable places that you would be happy planting yourself in for long periods of time. If you do not immediately notice any such spots, ask a few students where their favorite study spots are theyre bound to have a few! These are some great tips on how to create a good study environment. 4. Where are you going to be living? If you intend to live in the dorms, as most incoming freshman do, make sure to soak up as much detail about the dorms as you canthey could end up being your new home. Here are 8 items to bring to your dorm room. As with any home rental, a preliminary walk through and QA session should be a mandatory first step. How small will your room be? If they seem small (they probably will), look for open lounges or study spaces that may balance out your rooms confinement. How many people will you share a bathroom with? What are the showers like? What are the dorm food options? Dorm life will be quite the adjustment, but taking a thorough tour should help the transition go as smoothly as possible. Here 5. Whats the surrounding area like? You might stay in the dorms throughout your schooling, but chances are youll be ready to move off campus after freshman year. That is why its extremely important to get to know the neighborhoods that surround your campus as well. Clear some time in the day of your college tour to drive around and explore the city. What areas do most students live in? Do any neighborhoods seem like places to avoid? What are the locals like? What can you do when you need to get off campus and take a break from the college mindset? This knowledge will become solidified within a few months of experience in the area, but its a good idea to walk into your freshman year with a little bit of info on locals and local spots backlogged. 6. What are the students like? Perhaps most importantly, youll want to make sure to take note of how the students seem on campus. If you decide to attend this university, those students will be your peers. You dont want to join into a student body that makes you feel out of place. Does everyone seem too stressed out for you to handle? Is there too much Greek life for your liking? Too little? It is a good idea to talk to students who are walking around. Unless theyre in a rush, students are likely to be happy to share their opinions of school life with you. Keep the academic calendar in mind, as students will seem most studious during finals week, and most relaxed after breaks.

Learning German Living in Germany

Learning German Living in Germany Everything You Need to Know About Living in Germany and Taking German Lessons ChaptersThe Advantages of Working in GermanyDiscover the German Language in BerlinThe 5 Best German Student TownsRanking of German UniversitiesUseful German PhrasesMore Useful German ExpressionsThe German Work EthicMore and more British students are opting to study abroad. In fact, between 2007 and 2015, the number of UK students on Erasmus went up by 115%.  Whether it’s for work, studies, or fun, you can’t beat living abroad.The Federal Republic of Germany remains one of the most popular countries for studying abroad and learning German.Its economic prowess and and the quality of education in Germany make it an ideal choice for any international student.Would you like to go to Germany, learn the language, find a job, or study abroad?  How do you do it? Why go to a German city? How can you learn German?Before you start packing your bags, you're going to need the answers to these questions! SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Advantages of Working in GermanyYou currently won’t need a visa from the German government to get a job and live in Germany.  However Brexit on the horizon, who knows what we will need to live and work in Germany. Find out about getting a German work permit and applying for an EU blue card for Germany here.There are plenty of advantages to working in Germany.The SalaryEven for jobs whose salaries are similar, a lot of people find it financially better to work for a German com pany.  In chemistry, IT, and the automotive industry, the salary tends to be better in Germany.Is there a difference in salary? (Source: net average salary in Germany is €2,270 per month in comparison to the UK’s €1,912.Industrial salaries have seen an increase, too.  Unemployment in Germany is currently at its lowest since reunification in 1990!More ResponsibilitiesWork in Germany tends to come with more responsibility. You’ll have more people under you in Germany than you would have doing the same job in the UK.  When companies send employees abroad, it’s often because they are on the up and up. This means they value and trust the employee.  They’re considered to have the skills necessary to manage a team both home and abroad.Gain ExperienceEven if you’re not a top executive, working in the Federal German Republic is great for your CV (be it in German or English).You'll learn a lot by discovering a new business culture and getting involved with “Ger man management” and out of your comfort zone.  For most recruiters, employees who’ve worked abroad are highly desirable.  It not only shows an employee’s adaptability but also language skills.Learn German online to polish up your German for your new job!German Recruitment AgenciesIf you’re looking for a job in Germany, you should be aware of recruitment agencies in Germany.  They’re a great way to find work.By giving the agency your CV, they’ll massively improve your chances of finding work in a German company.German recruitment agencies are some of the best in the world and they work with a number of large businesses to find them staff.How do German recruitment agencies work? (Source: an interview with them, they’ll provide a personalised service to help you find a job. It’s both a professional job coaching service as well as a job-finding service.While there are plenty, if you’re an executive or manager, you should check out DFP Consulting.Dis cover the German Language in BerlinWork isn’t the only reason to head to Germany.  A lot of people go to Germany to learn the German language. In this case, the German capital is often the most popular choice.Why go to Berlin?The German capital is famous for its urban culture.  It’s the ideal place for creatives due to its artistic streets and an atmosphere that tourists also find attractive.  With all its art galleries, boutiques, and museums, there’s always something to do in Berlin!It’s the cutting-edge capital of electronic music and is quite affordable in comparison to similar European cities. Whatever your budget, you can always treat yourself.Study in BerlinThanks to its reputation for parties, Berlin is a popular destination for tourists.  Studying in Germany is great for your job prospects. There are plenty of advantages to the German capital.Especially when it comes to the cost of living.  You can find apartments for just €300 a month!You can go to university in Berlin taking part in an exchange programme at Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, for example. The university could even find your accommodation for you!Find information about a good German course here.Should you go to Berlin to study? (Source: could even take part in the famous Erasmus programme.  Taking German classes will also help you improve though total immersion in the German culture is the best way to make the most of your stay in Germany!Work in the German CapitalIf you know a bit of German, you can get even better by getting a job in Berlin!  Your knowledge of the English language will also be a plus if you’re working in tourism (as a hotel receptionist, for example) or in fast food.Do you like working with children? You could also be an au pair for a German family!Once you’ve settled in Berlin, you could also do an internship or a language stay.  There are plenty of options. It’s up to you to choose the best one!The 5 Best German Student Tow nsIf you’ve decided to study in Germany, there’s more than just Berlin.  In fact, the 2 million students in the country aren’t just in Berlin. They’re all over the country!There are lesser-known cities that you should also know about.  You might be interested in a few of these German student towns.Constance/KonstanzConstance/Konstanz is a real university town which can be found by its namesake lake.  The modern university is often listed among Germany’s 10 most prestigious universities.It’s nicknamed “Little Harvard by the Lake” and is famous for its small German classes and accessible tutors.If you like lakes, you should go to Constance/Konstanz. (Source: Bri Schneiter)It also offers plenty of cultural activities and you can make the most of total immersion in the country. It’s also so close to Switzerland that you can easily travel between the two countries!TübingenThanks to its architecture from the Middle Ages, the old town, and its famous castle, German stude nts consider Tübingen a genuine haven of peace. The bustling businesses in the city’s narrow streets and the many cafés draw in plenty of German and foreign students.Tübingen’s university is one of the oldest in Germany and welcomes around 29,000 students every year. Some big names have studied in this famous picturesque town including the famous astronomer Kepler and the former pope Benedict XVI.GöttingenGöttingen, which is home to 130,000 people, is one of the largest student towns in the country.  Many student residences were created to combat the rising cost of renting in the city. Its university is considered a breeding ground for mathematicians.Its quality infrastructure and buildings are considered a valued home for research. Life sciences, human sciences, biology, and environmental sciences: there are plenty of fields to choose from!  There’s also an excellent bus network and plenty of clubs, bars, and restaurants. This town has everything for students!HeidelbergT hanks to the wonderful old town and the beautiful Church of the Holy Spirit, this lovely German town is a favourite amongst students. The university offers all the usual courses and more.Studying in Germany is a popular choice amongst students. (Source: Urbex Clan)When you study in Heidelberg, there are plenty of things to keep you entertained.  Politics, debate, and culture: there are tonnes of things to study at Heidelberg!Its theatre group composed entirely of non-native German speakers has a cult following around the country!BonnA genuine living museum with a great quality of living. Bonn has everything students are looking for.Firstly, it’s got tonnes of history and is in a beautiful setting.  Furthermore, there are plenty of affordable bars and night clubs.The student residences even have their own bars! The university is made up of 350 building scattered across the town, making it a rather unique campus!What better place to study than in castles, hospitals, and even deluxe villas? SönkeGerman Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ClaudiaGerman Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SefaGerman Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HilaryGerman Teacher 5.00 (16) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LisaGerman Teacher 5.00 (8) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChrisGerman Teacher 5.00 (19) £39/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors WendyGerman Teacher 5.00 (2) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HowardGerman Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsRanking of German UniversitiesWorking in Germany is great but having studied there beforehand is even better!  So many people move to Germany knowing all the benefits doing so can bring for their future career prospects.Where do they go in Germany?How are German universities rated?Which is the best for your studies?42 German universities are rated among the 800 best in the world! Incl uding:Technical University of Munich. The teaching here is famous nationwide. The students can study economic sciences, medicine, physics, maths, civil engineering, etc.Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich where 34 Nobel laureates were trained! For €52 a semester, you can study law, educational sciences, literature, history of art, etc.University of Constance/Konstanz which is nicknamed “Little Harvard”. They specialise in politics, science, economics, human sciences.Useful German PhrasesWhen you arrive in Germany, there are a few expressions you should know.  Don’t know German? Don’t worry! We’re here to help!Here are a few basic expressions to get you talking to the locals.Useful ExpressionsA few tips can't hurt. (Source: get started with German, you’ll need to learn the very basics:Hello: Guten Tag!My name is...: Ich heiße...Yes: jaNo: neinHow are you?: Wie geht es dir?I don’t speak German: Ich spreche kein DeutschDo you speak English?: Sprechen Sie Englisch?I don’t understand: Ich verstehe das nicht.These should be enough to get you started in German.More Useful German ExpressionsIn addition to introducing yourself, you should also know a few expressions to find your way to your hotel and order some food.Here are a few expressions to do just that:Where is Mozart Street? Where is Berlin?: Wo ist die Straße Mozart? Wo ist Berlin  ? Can I have a menu?: Kann ich dans Menü ansehen  ? Can I have a beer, please?: Kann Ich ein Bier haben, bitte  ? Have you any rooms available?: Sind einige Zimmer Frei  ? Is there internet access?: Kann ich das Internet benutzen  ?With these German expressions, you should be ready to get started!If you’d like to improve your German before you go, don’t forget you can always get a private German tutor here in the UK or take German evening lessons!Across Germany’s different regions (or Lands in German), there are different accents, of course. From north to south, German can vary wildly. Jus t like in the UK and other countries around the world.Nevertheless, it’s important, before you head to Germany, to know a few of these important expressions.While Ja and Nein should be familiar to everyone, here are a few other useful expressions:What time is it? =  Wie spät ist es  ?What’s your name? =  Wie heißen Sie ?I don’t agree =  Das finde ich nicht  !Can you repeat that more slowly, please? =  Können Sie langsamer wiederholen, bitte  ?Before setting off to Germany, you should also revise your German vocabulary with a few flashcards!The German Work EthicWithout trying to stereotype, it should be known that the Germans have a pretty serious work ethic! While it may sound a bit cliché, they are very hard working.However, to learn more about the German work ethic, there’s a few things you need to know...German schooling favours expression, creativity, and personal initiative. There’s no drilling here.The education system teaches German children to interpret theorie s and question them.Their degrees also encourage students to experiment and express themselves. Here are 5 must-have qualities if you want to work in Germany:PunctualityInitiativeMental AgilityLanguage Skills (German and English)IT SkillsAre you looking for a German tutor before making your move over to Germany?German language course LondonGerman language course Glasgow